Today was definitely one of the worst day ever. It's not even close to a Bad day.
A journalist was interviewing me, and apparently, I didn't do well enough to give her the accurate spelling of a certain organisation. It is now published all over the newspaper, and the most popular newspaper in Singapore. I had to walk like to three different places just to get a copy of the newspaper because it ran out. That was fuck shit.
Yesterday, I celebrated a friend's birthday. I suggested, tying him to the chair and then do a lap dance. I thought it will make his birthday memorable. Oh, it got memorable alright. He had a sudden outburst of rage, crying here and there, because I truly have done it and pissed him off.
The day before yesterday, my Vice-President called me and told me that he was very sorry he can't help me in a lot of stuff. That was fucking stupid too. I just keep on doing and doing things that I didn't even bother to make the extra effort to rope him in and stuff. What the fuck?
I hate myself, I hate Kenneth, I hate that I can't get anything right.